Refresh or Recreate
Upgrade your online presence with a fresh new look
Tell Tale Signs
Need A Website Redesign?
Top 3 Issues
An Insecure Connection
An insecure website can indicate that it was built a long time ago.
Search engines will flag your website as a threat and visitors will see a message on their web browser advising that your website is insecure and could potentially be dangerous. It's not good for your business or potential customers.
Modern built websites use an encryption based Internet security protocol known as SSL. A website that implements SSL has 'https' in its URL rather than 'http'.
Displays Poorly On A Mobile
Over 60% of website visits are made via a mobile phone.
Mobile devices are commonly used by people for researching services or products quickly and whilst on the move. If your website doesn’t respond when and how they need it to, you may lose their business.
Consumers nowadays expect websites to be mobile and tablet friendly. A responsive website not only attracts more visitors but rates highly with search engines too.
Out of Date Content
A website can often be the first impression of a business.
If your website doesn’t reflect your business and the services that you currently offer as well as ways to get in touch, it can not only be confusing and frustrating for potential customers but off putting too.
As your business develops, so should your website. It should be welcoming and current for users to find the information they want with easy ways to get in touch.
Building A Better Website
Website Audit
A foundation to build on
You know your website isn't looking or performing great and in need of a bit of TLC but, you don't know where to start.
Book a website audit and we'll help identify strengths and weaknesses as well as flag up areas for improvement.​​
​​​What we'll do:
​​​Evaluate your website against the following criteria:
Structure and security
Function and navigation
Mobile responsiveness
Branding and visual identity
Content and calls to action
Speed and loading times
Search engine optimisation
Data Privacy responsibilities
Companies Act 2006 responsibilities
What you'll get:
A website audit report detailing:
Analysis of results against the above criteria
Identified areas for improvement